When you are scared and uncertain about criminal charges, about the court system, about the punishment you might face or when you feel helpless because your loved one is facing charges, you want to know about the person you are investing your trust, time, and money in.
I do what I do because I believe that good people can find themselves in bad situations. And I know that an accusation doesn't mean you are guilty or make you less of a human being. You won’t have to wonder, “Who is this guy?,” “Is he any good?,” and “Will he help me, my child, my spouse?” You or your loved one will be my client and my teammate, not a faceless paycheck.
Language | English |
Education | Washington State University, B.A. |
Residency | University of Arizona, J.D. |
Profession | Attorney |
442 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85225
(602) 730-1211
(602) 730-1211